‘I feel good’

James Brown shouts ‘ I feel good, I knew that I would’ does it help climb the ‘happiness ladder’ being so adamant that you are going to be happy?

Today I was watching some ‘info-mercials’ about workout DVD’s that you can buy, people weeping as they now can put on their wedding ring as there finger was too large before and how awful this was.

The relentless parade of quite insane people persuading us to part with £100 for the pleasure of ‘lying in a pool of our sweat’ was strangely hypnotic, but after 5 minutes I had to switch over, I felt I had got the message and quite frankly, was exhausted  – does that count as something I can cross of the ‘workout calendar’? that I had (almost) watched an entire info-mercial?

One DVD promised us ‘low impact’ with ‘high results’ the other promised us that ‘it would be the hardest thing we have ever done’  – both gave us opposing starting points, but everyone ended up looking the same and very happy to lift up there clothes to display this new body, this new life – do we have to work this hard, to lie in a pool of sweat to be happy? do we need to high kicking in front of our TV’s, throwing our hips to the planets to feel worthy, that we belong? good enough? happy? What if you don’t have a DVD player – or indeed electricity?

One of the info-mercials promised a new ‘sexy’ body – so not just only do we have this ‘great body’ but we will have great sex too? all this for £59.99?

I was sitting there, lying in bed, watching this display and part of me thought, ‘perhaps you have the wrong attitude, you should be doing this you know, get those chiseled abs you have always wanted for Christmas, then perhaps I will finally be happy and fit and able to take on the world, or maybe I just need a deeper voice, you know, sound in control…..’ I seem to be drawing up a list now

Perhaps I just need a mantra, every morning, to shout out the James Brown line ‘I feel good, I knew that I would’ and see what happens, or maybe upload the song to be my ringtone

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